Hi, I'm Cam.

Over the last six years, I’ve been working on Power Moves, which was one the best places for authentic and independent tech device reviews.

I bought, compared, and reviewed my favorite devices and services. The Power Moves blog gained more than four million unique views, with another two million on my YouTube channel.

During my time as a reviewer, I built a small yet loyal group of followers, but it's time to build something new that aligns more with my current interests.

My Journey

I brushed Bitcoin off the first time I heard about it, then dove in deeper in 2017 and became fascinated.

I knew crypto would have other applications aside from money, but I didn't have the foresight to see what smart contracts would enable. Fast forward to 2020, I discovered NBA Top Shot, a site to collect digital collectibles (NFTs). As I did with Bitcoin, I brushed it off at first, but later concluded that NFTs will onboard millions of people into the crypto economy and change how the internet works.

I didn't come to my conclusion about NFTs quickly. It took endless hours listening to podcasts, reading through whitepapers, and scrolling Twitter. I had to rewrite my brain.

This is where the Collector Club comes in.

I want to take everything I've learned and present it in an accessible way to help onboard the next generation of NFT collectors.

What is the Collector Club?

I want to create content and tools that resonate with crypto enthusiasts and those who value free markets, truth seeking, and self-sovereignty. These values are at the foundation of the crypto space, and why I'm here.

To achieve this, we started with our NFTs for Rookies series that targets common search phrases used by those who are NFT-curious. Now, we plan to create content and tools specifically for the NFT collectors who are alreazdy here. Our goal is to launch our first tool during the spring of 2023.

As our content and tools gain traction, the Collector Club Discord server will become the hub for our community and a place for passionate collectors to connect and interact. The quality of members is more important to us than quantity, and we hope to create a tight-knit community of like-minded individuals.

Currently, our Discord server has 16 members, ranging from experienced crypto veterans to those who have just recently purchased their first NFT. As we continue to grow, we'll have the opportunity to brainstorm new tools for our community.

A reminder

The Collector Club is not a get-rich-quick club. Actually, it’s the opposite. Because NFTs are so new and speculative, you’ll likely lose money if you invest. If making money is your primary motivation, just buy BTC and ETH, and close your eyes for the next ten years.

But if anything above sparked an interest in you, come join us!

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Content and tools to advance the future of digital ownership.


Lifelong citizen of the internet. Making content.